Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Call that music?

Jessie j who the fuck are you! I'll tell you who you're a White girl who shouldn't say man'dem once let alone a handful of times in your stupid fucking song, and how ever the fuck you managed to even release a single with that voice is beyond me, I've heard chavs in the middle of town with the same talking voice as your singing voice, your music video makes you look like a fucking mental case, since when is it good to bare your teeth like a dog, every female solo vocalist in the past year has done the same thing, a fucked up stupid music video, trying to make the artist seem somewhat controversial, everytime it's shoddy camera effects and baring your teeth like a fucking Rottweiler, don't get me started on how Fucking slutty they look. No talent no imagination no inspiration it's not music at all they are not musicians they're puppets. Jessie j is a japseye gaga is agoon and even rhianna was a retard to do this before.

Sorry about that pop music angers me.

On a good note things with my girlfriend are amazing, I'm still looking for a job, band is awesome and hopefully I'll find a job soon. Sorry about the rant
peace and love. Xxxxxx

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