Tuesday 30 November 2010

fed up

im getting fed up of people taking advantage of my good nature, i should have my money when the money has come in not when it suits employers, i want to not be ill anymore cas all its doing is putting a divide between me and my parents even more, "u r a stupid useless boy who doesn't care about others!..." that is from a 49 year old woman, grow the fuck up all i've ever done is care about everyone, everything i've ever done was for YOU, to make YOU happy, to give YOU ammunition so you can carry on your petty fucking war against your sister, over who's raised their kids better. well hear this, I've had it, I dont care anymore, from now on its for me, im not looking forward to christmas because i have to see my cunting family, i am seriously in the right mind frame to call it quits right now, ridiculous fucking shit.

1 comment:

  1. :( dont call it quits please :(
    you're right though, do it for yourself, you're the one who has to live with it. xxxxxx
